Vibration Damping Tiles
Soundown Vibration Damping Tiles are an easily applied damping layer for stopping reverberant “ringing” vibration in heavy plate constructions. Structural damping material consumes vibrational energy and transforms it into heat before it can build up and radiate as sound. Substrates upon which the tiles are commonly installed include steel, aluminum, and fiberglass laminate.
When vibrational energy is transmitted into a beam or panel it flexes (displacements are minimal and not visible to the eye), which results in airborne noise radiating into spaces where it may be unwanted. Soundown Damping Tiles are bonded to such surfaces and go through flexion and extension cycles in which the polymeric matrix is flexed along with the panel. As the material goes through these cycles it converts the energy to minute amounts of heat instead of noise.
Vibration damping loss factor (n), at 1,000 Hz for the 3/8" tile, exceeds 0.10on aluminum plate up to 0.40". Soundown Vibration damping tiles are engineered to be an extensional damper and do not require a constraining layer; however, even greater damping values are obtained when the material is installed as a"constrained layer" treatment as shown in the diagram below.
Typical marine applications include bulkheads, decks, and hull plating in areas of higher vibration potential, such as over propellers, in the region of thrusters, and in the vicinity of the engine room. They also are an effective treatment for large areas of plate that may be acoustically driven, such as over the engine room, or the fore and aft engine room bulkheads.
Industrial applications include equipment enclosures and foundations that are subject to significant, low-frequency driving.
Tiles are available in 3/8" and 5/8" thicknesses. Rolls of the same damping material are available in 1/4", 1/8", and 1/16".
Soundown's Damping Tiles are qualified to MIL-PRF-23563D and are included on the Qualified Products List (QPL).
Extensional Damping Material
Typical Physical Properties
Typical Acoustic Properties