Posted on: June 28th, 2018 by admin

Rubber Design Oil Bath Shaft Systems 

Rubber Design shaft systems are ideal for heavy-duty shaft-related noise control, employing both active and passive control systems. Components include flexible couplings (a full range of flexible couplings designed to take high thrust and control the transmitted torque), thrust blocks (stand alone and stern-tube integrated), tail and intermediate shafts (manufactured in a range of materials from mild steel to high specification duplex steels), sterntubes, bracket bosses, bearings, stern seals, propellers, rudder stocks, and tubes.

These oil bath shafts are ideal if your axle is more than 4" in diameter.

Rubber Design produces a range of stern tubes, hull tubes, and bosses in steel and aluminum for oil bath, water, and grease shaft systems.

All the components are designed to work together to provide low friction, high ISO-certified tolerances, and overall noise reduction. The right combination of components can be used to create a custom configuration to help you get the most effective balance of performance and noise reduction.